ZeitScan HR

ZeitScan HR structures and improves communication between the HR department and employees "outside" using SAP HCM.
ZeitScan HR receives information about time events (vacation, doctor's visits, allowances, etc.) in the Notes client or browser and forwards them to SAP HCM after rigorous review. ZeitScan HR reads SAP HCM entries and makes them available to the employee.
ZeitScan HR has at least the same range of functions as the SAP module "ESS" (Employee Self Service), but costs significantly less. The ideal alternative for all companies that use SAP HCM and Notes/Domino.
Which problams does Zeitscan HR solve ?
Numerous employees with HR reponsibilities are required to enter vacations, business trips, allowances, etc. An SAP HCM access just for this purpose is far too powerful and too expensive.
In many cases, this communication takes place via e-mail, fax, telephone and Excel lists. Errors and loss of time are the result, and this causes considerable costs. ZeitScan HR avoids these costs.
Employees want to know their remaining vacation or want to check their flexitime balance. If there is no easy access for everyone, the HR department becomes a call center instead of taking care of their tasks. Again, these are avoidable costs!
What possibilities does Zeitscan HR offer in detail?
- Recording of regular working hours via terminal, browser or Notes client
- Recording of special times/absences via Notes client or browser
- Entry of allowances via Notes client or browser
- Approval
- Control missing logouts and open requests in Notes client or browser
- Overtime permits
- Returning Errors from SAP HCM
- Import of timesheets from SAP HCM, display in Notes client or browser
- Master Data Import from SAP HCM
- Direct assignment of times to cost centers
- Calendar display of absences for planning
- Attendance overview of all employees
ZeitScan HR - so that your HR department can get back to work
Recording hours worked, allowances and absences
Check in and out using terminals, browser or HCL Notes.
In most cases, the company uses terminals for time recording of "coming + going". Zeitscan HR can read this data directly from the terminal software or transfer it from SAP HCM if terminals with an HR interface are used.
If there are no terminals, you can log in via the browser or in the Notes client; an expensive (replacement) purchase can be avoided.
In all cases, the generated document provides a complete overview of the data collected. The employee himself, his time supervisor and the HR department can view the details of the booking with one click.
- Recording of special times
Special times are events such as holidays, doctor's visits, vocational school, works council activities, etc.
Each employee can create such special times for themselves. These are only transferred to SAP HR once an authorized supervisor has approved them electronically. Of course, the supervisor can also enter the special times directly for his department, e.g. for employees without a PC workstation.
The capture is done in a simple Notes mask or via a browser
The affected employees are informed via e-mail of the time supervisors decision.
The list of available special times is freely configurable for each user company. Any number of different special times can be created.
For each special time type, the overlap check, maximum duration, associated SAP parameters, and other details can be specified.
- Recording of allowances
The creation of allowances (e.g. for difficult or dangerous working conditions) is very similer to the creation of special times; every employee can enter allowances toether with the time worked, but they must be released by the supervisor.
The list of possible allowances can be freely configured.
Data transfer to and from SAP HR
The SAP timesheet is a central element of communication between HR and employees.
The data contained here clarifies many questions and, above all (in the case of hourly-based employment contracts), is the basis for billing. Zeitscan HR imports the timesheets on a daily basis and thus provides each employee with an up-to-date insight into his or her status – without any intervention from the HR department.
The number of queries and corrections after payroll is drastically reduced!
Of course, all relevant employee data is imported from SAP HCM.
These include, but are not limited to:
- Personnel number
- Name
- Time Supervisor(s)
- Chip number for terminal use
- Cost center
- Flexitime status
- Target working hours
- Vacation days per year
- Remaining leave in the current year
Employee-specific information can also be entered or amended in ZeitScan HR. ZeitScan HR allows the flexible integration and evaluation of company-specific employee information!
The import/export scheme of ZeitScan HR:

User Rights and Workflow
User rights within ZeitScan HR
The rights to see, edit and approve the worked hours of each employee can be seperately configured. These rights can be imported from SAP HCM or entered manually within ZeitScan HR.
Zeitscan HR has a three-level rights model:
- The "normal" employee sees only his own worked hours. Any irregular working hours or holidays/absences which he enters must be approved by a higher level.
- The "time supervisor", typically a department manager or foreman, sees his or her own hours and the hours of the employees assigned to him. He can create irregular working hours or holidays/absences for himself and his employees; he may release these entries for his employees, but his own irregular working hours or holidays/absences must be released by a "time manager".
- The "time manager", typically located in the HR department, can see the worked hours of all employees. He can create and release irregular working hours or holidays/absences for all employees.
The Workflow and Approval Process
The time supervisors work primarily with their control views, in which all processes relevant to them are summarized.
There are:
- irregular working hours or holidays/absences to be approved or rejected
- Allowances to be approved or rejected
- Forgotten logouts (If employees have forgotten to log out, they are forcibly logged out via SAP HR or via HR time scan after a configurable time. These time events must be closed manually)
- HR - Error messages, (Typical examples are attendance on a day for which an absence has already been entered, or an undocumented absence. These contradictions must be addressed.
In this way, the department manager/foreman can see at a glance which tasks are open for him in the area of time recording.
Overtime Approval
Overtime which requires approval, as well as core time violations of the working time model which lead to capping, are imported from SAP HCM and posted in Zeitscan HR for approval. The time supervisor can approve a month's overtime in full, in part, or not at all, and then send the approved portion back to SAP HCM.
We would be happy to provide you with a trial version of ZeitScan HR.
However, due to the complex integration with SAP HCM, this product cannot be run "out-of-the-box", and therefore a simple download does not make sense.
We can offer you the installation and standard customizing in the form of a workshop.
Further company-specific requirements can be implemented at any time during or after implementation.
Please contact us for more details!